
Updating SharePoint 2010 List definition to SharePoint 2013 List Definition – Quick edit grayed out

In SP2013 the datasheet view is no more. It’s now been replaced with “Quick edit”

But when updating a list definition from 2010 to 2013 something strange happens. The “Quick edit” button is grayed out and cannot be used. What’s the reason for this. Well it turns out Microsoft has added something to the list definition schema.xml file. It’s a JavaScript Link


This adds the “clienttemplates.js” file which is responsible for making this feature usable.

Just add this link into your list definition schema.xml in the part.

<View BaseViewID\="1" Type\="HTML" WebPartZoneID\="Main" DisplayName\="$Resources:core,objectiv\_schema\_mwsidcamlidC24;" DefaultView\="TRUE" MobileView\="TRUE" MobileDefaultView\="TRUE" SetupPath\="pages\\viewpage.aspx" ImageUrl\="/\_layouts/images/generic.png" Url\="AllItems.aspx"\>
        <Toolbar Type\="Standard" />
        <XslLink Default\="TRUE"\>main.xsl</XslLink\>
        <RowLimit Paged\="TRUE"\>30</RowLimit\>

When updating only a list instance this will be automatically changed.

What is in this JavaScript file is for a next blog post…